Why They Are Looking


Why They Are Looking


Attention: Senior Operations, Branch and Human Resource Managers

Research - Why They Are Looking

Regarding a new opportunity, it takes between 50 to 75 conversations to generate one civil
engineer, architectural or general contracting project manager. To generate one mechanical
engineer, it often takes over 100 conversations.

Why are so few looking? 96%- the vast majority, feel very satisfied where they are. 78% do not want
to move their families or are already comfortably compensated and 58% flat out will not entertain any

Here are the reasons for those who are interested candidates,; the desire to move back home
and/or near thier families - 58%, and candidates who feel they can "mega leap" into more
compensation or responsibility from a :flat" environment - 65%.

ExecSelect offers a fresh cost effective approach to recruitiing DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION
managers and leaders. It is not unusaul for us to directly contact more than 150 people to find  out
who is available.

Call Carolyn Andrews with ExecSelect at (281) 534-3294 or (407) 695-2821
Web Site: http://www.execselect.com

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