TI86EMU V.4 Available


TI86EMU V.4 Available

TI86EMU version .4
Copyright (C) 1998 Steve Gordon (sgordon@mich.com)


TI86EMU is a free MS Windows based program that emulates your TI-86
in a window. What separates TI86EMU from other emulators is its full
monitor/debugger. These features make it perfect for debugging TI-86 ASM
BASIC programs on your PC. TI86EMU requires a WIN32 platform (WIN95 or
WINNT) although I havent tested it on WINNT. Source code will probably be
released at version 1.0. TI86EMU Does not work with "LARGE TEXT" option
in windows.

Features include:

-Almost Perfect TI-86 emulation
-Works with every TI86 Game and BASIC program I have tried
-2 to 8 times as fast as TI86 (on P200MMX)
-Load .86P BASIC and ASM programs, 86I pictures, and 86S strings from
 PC right into calculator's TI86 variables.
-Save/load emulator machine state to your PC
-Save/load raw memory to you PC
-Save/load workspace to your PC
-Run multiple TI-86s at once
-Controllable though keyboard or virtual TI86 keypad
-Speed control
-Large screen option


-Register window
-Disassembly window
-Memory dump window showing ASCII and hex values
-Animation (Watch your program run in slomotion, updating memory,
 registers, disassembly window, ect.)
-Single step
-Interrupt and debug program anytime
-Modify memory
-Modify registers
-Search memory for bytes or strings

 NEW IN VERSION .4 (2/10/98)

-Improved game/program compatiblility, now EVERY BASIC and ASM program I've
 tried works
-Load 86P BASIC or ASM files right into calculator variables
-Load 86I image files right into calculator variables
-Load 86S string files right into calculator variables
-Large LCD option (4x standard size)
-Virtual keypad
-Search memory for bytes or strings
-Improved keyboard emulation
-Custom colors for background and foreground
-Load/Save workspace
-DEFAULT.WKS (if it exists) is loaded when emulator starts
-DEFAULT.STA (if it exists) is loaded when emulator starts
-Tested on Version 1.2 and 1.3 ROMs

Available at www.ticalc.org

Steve Gordon