All right, I think we've come across RUDENESS before in this
discussion group...remember that people who come here need help, and we're
here to give it to them. If we keep up this rude behavior then there's
really no point in this discussion group at all.
Now, in responce to the question that was asked. There is a BASIC
(BASIC is the programming language you'll be using to program, at least to
start) editor built into the calculator that allows you to create, edit, and
run programs. If you have 80/81/82/83, then press [PRGM] and go to the NEW
menu. If you have an 85/86, press [PRGM] then select [EDIT] and type the new
name. If you have a 92, go to the Applications menu and go to Program editor
and select NEW. Then you should be able to type the code. All commands for
programming are in various menus. On 85, 86 and 92, you can also type the
commands by hand. Then quit, press [PRGM] and select your program. It should
run. By the way, if you want some BASIC tutorials, visit
http://dim-ti.home.ml.org or http://ti-philes.home.ml.org.
Adam Berlinsky-Schine
At 09:30 PM 2/11/98 EST, you wrote:
>ok, well lets see, why don't we try READING THE MANUAL!!!!!!
At 05:37 PM 2/11/98 PST, you wrote:
>I have a couple questions for you concerning programming :
>1)Where am I supposed to write the actual program?
>2)Do I have to have a program for writing programs?
>3)After I type the actual lines of code and all that where do I put it?
>To make the program run not just show me the lines that I have already
> Please reply!
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