Wrote a chem prog in BASIC for 86, need help w/ glink sw
Wrote a chem prog in BASIC for 86, need help w/ glink sw
Subject: Wrote a chem prog in BASIC for 86, need help w/ glink sw
From: Modem Boy <modemboy@*NOMORESPAM*HEHE.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 19:30:43 -0800
Organization: Torrance High School
Reply-To: Modem Boy <modemboy@*NOMORESPAM*HEHE.COM>
Xref: paladin.american.edu bit.listserv.calc-ti:20562
I wrote a Chemistry program in BASIC for the TI-86, I sent it to my
computer with CAL, (wtran doesn't work oddly for receiving files) and
then attempted to open that .86p file in TI-Graph Link 86 software prog
from TI, and it doesn't work. Hmpf, well, from opening the 86p file in
an ascii editor, I can see there's a [C A L] "comment." (i think it's a
comment. :)
Besides retyping the whole darn thing just to protect it or otherwise,
any suggestions? I've tried modifying the .86p file in notepad, but it
still doesn't allow me to open it in TI-Graph Link. grrr....
-(:P Modem Boy d:)-
-(:P -=TI-86=- d:)-