Re: ROM dump legal?
Re: ROM dump legal?
Well, the way you would have to make a ROM copy, you would have to have
all the right bytes at the right addresses to do that. It would be
identical to TI's. Now if you made a table in your program, and had it
all listed out, that would be legal. The reason people do the ROM Dump
thing, is because it is easier to program the emulator and should work
100% like the calculator or at least close. If you wrote your own
version of the ROM and integrated it into the program, that should be
perfectly legal.
>From: Thomas J. Hruska[SMTP:thruska@TIR.COM]
>Reply To: Thomas J. Hruska
>Sent: Saturday, February 07, 1998 8:51 PM
>Subject: Re: ROM dump legal?
>At 06:54 AM 2/7/98 GMT, you wrote:
>>In article <v02110104b100346410ab@[]>, Grant Stockly
>><gussie@ALASKA.NET> wrote:
>>>>providing I design my own routines and leave TI's ROM alone or would TI
>>>>think I was copying their ROM when in reality I wouldn't be? What other
>>>>problems could arise (programming or legal)?
>>>If you can proove that you rewrote it, and they take you to court, they
>>>don't have a chance...
>>Blech, that is so wrong. If you use any knoledge of any part of TI's code
>>the prosess of making your own Rom, it is illegal. The only way to ensure
>>that you do not use any part of their code is to have some people who
>>dissasemble the rom and write down what it accompishes, and then have
>>group turns that back into a completely original Rom.
>What if I just designed my own routines using internal code and loading a
>set of jump/function pointer tables into memory which would take each call
>and route it through the table and into an internal C function that I
>wrote. There is NO ROM duplication and I would completely avoid all legal
>entanglements as Grant Stockly said (I would also win any court case that
>came up).
> Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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