Re: ROM dump legal?
Re: ROM dump legal?
Andy Greenfield wrote:
> In article <v02110104b100346410ab@[]>, Grant Stockly
<gussie@ALASKA.NET> wrote:
> >>providing I design my own routines and leave TI's ROM alone or would TI
> >>think I was copying their ROM when in reality I wouldn't be? What other
> >>problems could arise (programming or legal)?
> >
> >If you can proove that you rewrote it, and they take you to court, they
> >don't have a chance...
> Blech, that is so wrong. If you use any knoledge of any part of TI's code in
> the prosess of making your own Rom, it is illegal. The only way to ensure
> that you do not use any part of their code is to have some people who
> dissasemble the rom and write down what it accompishes, and then have another
> group turns that back into a completely original Rom.
Duh, whats happening if I push the Don not push button.
I thought I said just that, but I might have been a bit unclear :-)
About that thing in james bond:
Do you think people do this stuff on purpose??(Bugs)
Jack TK