83 Frogger (all of my friends with 83's have prob's w/ it)
83 Frogger (all of my friends with 83's have prob's w/ it)
Subject: 83 Frogger (all of my friends with 83's have prob's w/ it)
From: Modem Boy <modemboy@*NOMORESPAM*HEHE.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 21:48:17 -0800
Organization: Torrance High School
Reply-To: Modem Boy <modemboy@*NOMORESPAM*HEHE.COM>
Xref: paladin.american.edu bit.listserv.calc-ti:20481
I think I mentioned this to Jack before.
But anyways, how much space does 83 Frogger *really* take? After running
the program, it takes up space on the calc, space that is NOT listed
when you go to MEM/RAM.
I believe it could be caused by having more than one program that
requires the ZASMLOAD file. Because they get errors regarding it. And
they always have crazy memory problems. Deleting the variables only
helps once. Very weird, I see 15kb used for programs, and the rest don't
even add up to 1kb, so where's the other 10+kb?!?! the 83 has one
helluva bug.
Reminds me of how much I love my 86! ;)
-(:P Modem Boy d:)-
-(:P -=TI-86=- d:)-
MMM... I like my spam on two slices of white bread.
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