Statistical problem with TI-85
Statistical problem with TI-85
Can anybody tell me how to perform a two-variable analysis on a TI-85 and
why I get error 23 when I perform a one-variable analysis with the following
paired data:
xStat: 20,2 22,0 19,7 21,4 16,3 17,0 24,5 15,6 16,0 13,2 19,0
yStat: 21,6 22,9 20,0 23,6 15,7 17,5 27,3 19,8 16,4 14,7 20,1
while it works with the example in the manual:
xstat: 12 236 99 63 87
ystat: 1 3 2 3 1
This may be simple but a can't figure it out...
Thanks for all the help you may give me.