Re: Drawing vertical lines in TI-86
Re: Drawing vertical lines in TI-86
As x=2 isn't considered a function in that sence, you'll have to enter the
it as you'd enter a vector-function - with both y1 and x1.
To do this, you have to enter the MODE - option and then choose PAR.
This is what you do on a TI-83 - but I expect it to be almost the same
on your calc.
When that is done, you can enter the x1 value. The calc will also need a y1
value; this one has to be set to T (~x but not quite).
I hope this will help you a little.
Best regards,
Simon Tjell
Aarhus / Denmark
Antti Jdrvinen <> wrote in article
> Does anyone know how to input equation x=2 in graph mode ??
> The TI wants the equation in y1=something format.
> Antti Jarvinen