Re: On calculator emulators
Re: On calculator emulators
ToddEStan writes:
>> I was just wondering about emulating calculators
>> on calculators. I mean with the 89 coming out with
>> 500k+ of ram, you could fit an 85 rom (128k), and one
>> ram image (32k) easily in the memory. Then would
>> have about 340k of ram left for the emulator program
>> itself. The TI85 EMU is about 92k, so I'm pretty sure
>> the program will fit. I don't know if it would be
>> practical, but it would be interesting.
Bryan Rabeler <brabeler@TICALC.ORG> writes:
>Emulating Z80 on a 68K?
The computer-based programs emulate Z80 on 80x86s. :)
However, I think this would be pointless (except maybe
for the gee-whiz-I'm-cool value).
Kevin DeGraaf
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