Re: TI-86
Re: TI-86
I thought so. Does anyone know why they didn't include it? Would it be too
Daniel Moraseski
in Orlando, FL
originally from Manalapan, NJ (near US 9 and NJ 33)
"We are Shuster of Borg. Numbering rules are irrelevant."
Tom Lake wrote in message <35d72ad6.0@>...
>Dr. SPUI wrote in message <6r6olp$a1s$>...
>>How do you make a backup (.86b) in TI-86 Graph Link?
>You don't. TI didn't include that capability in the 86 Link software. You
>can, however, copy all the files from your 86 to the PC and group them.
>Tom lake
- Re: TI-86
- From: ToddEStan <toddestn@NOSPAM.VISI.COM>
- TI-86
- Re: TI-86
- From: Tom Lake <laket@WESTELCOM.COM>