Re: HP's and TI's calculator output rate
Re: HP's and TI's calculator output rate
Moo wrote:
> ...
> Some older = style calcs ... after you pressed the enter key you could
> not use the number on the display (but for example pressing + again) I
> assume the newer TI's and others have fixed this.
Yes, they did. On TI92 you can reuse the entry string in the form you
have entered it, or the answer of the calculations. Both are displayed.
The depth of that display stack is by default 30 entries, but it can be
changed by the user to other depth.
> One nice thing about the HP's are that the display ... shows 1) The
> number you just typed or 2) an Intermedeate result.
That actually TI92 realizes better. You have both: string entered and
the answer. The bad thing, it is not the stack. You have to navigate
manually with cursor to highlight desired entry and press enter to
reuse string in the command line or issue the command "ent(x)"
or "ans(x)" where x is the number of desired output line, ent
stands for entry, ans stands for answer. That reminds me, that TI92
has to parse the string in the same way that HP does before it can
calculate the answer. The power of Motorola 68000 is in that case
clearly visible. But it is a ridiculous argument. For the human
interface the speed of HP or TI92 entry is good enough to make
both devices comfortable and usable. Try programming on TI92 and
you will be dissapointed with programs that run 3 to 5 times slower
than on HP48.
> ...
> Sorry ... been a long day.
With regards.
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