


          DONT MISS THIS

***************** WONDERFUL PROJECT*******************
This is a letter I downloaded from a newsgroup.After you read this
you'll know that I'm trying this money making Idea.I've just started but
from what this gentleman has to say I can't go wrong.If in fact it works
I'll keep everyone posted with new letters so please read on.
********************** OUTLINE ***********************
ONE  : THE EXPERIENCE OF A LAWYER - The testimonial that
       made me give it a go.
TWO  : THE PROGRAM and THE LIST - Follow it promptly and
       exactly and you too will be as delighted as I am.
       can check.
FOUR : THE MATH - A simple projection of earnings.
FIVE : TIPS and TIDBITS - Just some notes I've gathered.
SIX  : INTERNET POSTING - Some specifics for posting this

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I am a retired attorney,and about two years ago a man came to me with a
letter.The letter he brought me is the same as the letter in front of
you now. He asked me to verify the fact that this letter was legal. I
told him that I
Would review it and get back to him. When I first read the letter I
thought it was some off-the-wall idea to make money. A week later I met
again with my client to discuss the issue. I told him that the letter
originally brought to me was not 100%legal.My client asked me to alter
the letter to make it 100% legal.I advised him to make a small change in
the letter and it would be alright.I was curious about the letter so he
told me how it works.I thought it was a long shot, so I decided against
Before my client left, I asked him to keep me updated as
to his results.I couldn't believe it, about two months later he called
to tell me that he had received over $800,000 in cash! I didn't believe
him so he asked me to try the plan myself. I thought about it for a few
and decided there was not much to lose. I followed the instructions
exactly and mailed out 200 letters (via snail mail of all things!).Sure
enough the money started coming in! It came slowly at first but after
three weeks I was getting more than I could open in a day.After about
three months the money stopped coming.I kept a precise record of my
earnings and at the end it totaled $868,439.00.
I was earning a good living as a lawyer, but as anyone in the profession
will tell you, there is a lot of stress that comes with the job.I told
myself if things worked out I would retire from practice and play golf.I
decided to try the letter again but this time I sent 500 letters out.
Well, three months later I had totaled $2,344,178.00!
I just couldn't believe it. I met my old client for lunch to find out
exactly how this works.He told me that there were a few similar letters
going around and what made this one different is that there are seven
names on the letter not five like most others.That fact alone resulted
in more returns. The other factor was the advice I gave him in making
sure the whole thing was perfectly legal,since
no one wants to risk doing anything illegal.I bet now you are curious
what little changes I told him to make.Well, if you send a letter like
this one out, to be legal, you must sell something if you expect to
receive a dollar.
I told him that anyone sending a dollar out must receive something in
return. What we did to make it legal was make it work out so people
sending you $1 we're actually asking you to put them on your mailing
list.So when you send a dollar to each one of the seven names on the
list, you must include a slip of paper saying "please put me on your
Mailing list, $1 processing fee enclosed" and include your name, address
(your phone number is optional). (I actually like an occasional e-mail
address too - it's exciting to chat with other people who are making
such simple money! But of course, that's up to you!) This is the key to
the program!The item that you will receive for the dollar you send is
the letter,your name on the "mailing list" and the right to earn
thousands!Follow the simple instructions below and in less than three
months you will receive over $800,000.00 GUARANTEED.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TWO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A) Immediately send one dollar (US Currency or equivalent  in your local
Currency)to each of the seven people listed below.Wrap the dollar in a
piece of paper saying "PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST, $1.00
PROCESSING FEE ENCLOSED." and include your name and mailing address.
Your phone number and/or e-mail address is optional. (I also like to add
what number the person is on the list so they can figure out how much
more they can expect to receive)
B) Take the person in the #1 position off the list, bump
   the rest of the names up a position, and then add your
   name and address to slot #7. (Be sure to proofread so
   no one else gets your mail!)
C)Post this new letter, with your name and address and
  post it to at least 200 newsgroups (there are currently
  over 22,000 newsgroups with thousands of new
  subscribers every day - no need to worry about
  overlapping with someone else)Of course, another option
  would be to rent names and addresses from a list company,
  but in my honest opinion, posting to newsgroups reaches
  more people,is faster, and saves you money that you
  would have to otherwise spend on bulk postage! (both
  ways are 100% legal)
D) Sit back and wait for the envelopes to roll in.
You must send one dollar to the people listed or this
program will NOT work properly. It's a very small risk,
a very small expense, with HUGE potential returns!
1.) Bill Hennessy, P.O. Box 1856, South Zanesville, OH
2.) Joseph Aya, P.O. Box 46002, Pointe Claire, Que.,
3.) BOCQUILLON MATHIEU, 114 rue du chemin vert, 75011
    Paris, France
    TX. USA 76248
    GRANDVIEW, MO. 64030-1555
7.) NG KAI FAI,ROOM 8, 11/F, BLK A, 136-154 TAI PO ROAD

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THREE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

THIS IS A SERVICE AND IS 100% LEGAL Refer to title 18, section 1302
&1342 of the U.S. Postal and Lottery Laws
or call the U.S. Post Office at 1-800-725-2161.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOUR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Assume for example you get a 7.5% return rate, which is very
conservative. (The Lawyer's first attempt was over 9.5% and his second
was over 11%.)
1) When you post 200 letters 15 people will send you $1.00
2) Those 15 people post 200 letters and 225 people send
   you $1.00
3) Those 225 people post 200 letters and 3,375 people send
   you $1.00
4) Those 3,375 people post 200 letters and 50,625 people
   send you $1.00
5) Those 50,625 people post 200 letters and 759,375 people
   send you $1.00
6) Those 759,375 people post 200 letters and 11,390,625
   people send you $1.00
At this point drops your name off the list. Think about it. With only
the first six levels you have received over $813,615.00!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It works every time, but how well depends on how many letters you
post.In the example above you posted 200 letters, if you posted 500
letters you would have received over $2,006,917.00.Check the math
yourself, I want you to, but I guarantee it's correct!With this kind of
return, you've got to try it. Try it once and you will do it again,
GUARANTEED!So, are you still skeptical? If you are, at least do yourself
a favor and print or save a copy of this letter right now and think
about it.That way, when you realize that's there's no way that you can
get scammed from this, you can just go back to it, add your address,send
your $1 to the 7 people listed, post your letter to some
newsgroups, and then wait for the dirty looks from the postal worker
when he/she has to stuff your mailbox full of envelopes day after day!
That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within
days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount
of mail you receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a
name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it.
Make sure that you retain EVERY name and address sent to you,either on
computer or hard copy, but do not discard the names and notes that
people send to you. This is PROOF that you are truly providing a
service,and should the IRS or some other government agency question you,
you can provide them with this proof.Therefore, you will start a list of
all the people who send you a dollar requesting to be added to a mailing
list. Actually, you will want to safeguard this list because it can
generate even better responses and much more money later!So, build your
mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes.
By doing this you prove your business intentions. Keep an eye on the
newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is
no longer on the list), you just take the latest posting at the
another $7.00 P.S. You've read this far so let me ask you a question.
Q. What have you got to lose?
A. Only 7 dollars.
What you can gain is an income, like the example in the letter. Very
small risk. Very small expense, HUGE  potential returns! What do you
have to lose?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To post this out over the internet you could browse through areas and
find the newsgroups that you like, all you have to do is cut and paste
this letter wherever you are on the internet. Remember it doesn't cost
anything to post on the Internet. Send out a lot, it's inexpensive.Keep
in mind there is no limit to the amount of letters you could post. The
more letters you post the more money you make.We strongly encourage you
to post to as many newsgroups as you can.
GENERAL NOTES ON POSTING: A nice page where you'll find all the
newsgroups if
you want help is http://www.liszt.com/ (When you go to the home page,
click on the link 'Newsgroup Directory').
But I don't think you'll have any problem posting because it's very easy
once you've found the newsgroups.All these web browsers are similar. It
doesn't matter which one you have.(But it makes it very easy if you have
Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later. You may download it from the Internet
if you don't have it.)You just have to remember the basic steps, stated
1. Find a newsgroup and you click on it.
2. You click on 'POST A NEW ARTICLE' or 'TO NEWS' or
   anything else similar to these.
3. You type your flashy headline in the subject box.
4. Now, either you attach the file containing your amended
   letter, or you PASTE the letter. (You have to COPY it
   from the text editor, of course, from before.)
5. Finally, you click on 'SEND' or 'POST' or 'OK', whatever
  is there.
The fastest way to post a newsletter:
Highlight and COPY (Ctrl-C) the text of this posted message and PASTE
(Ctrl-V) it into a plain text editor (as Wordpad) and save it.After you
have made the necessary changes that are stated above, simply
COPY(Ctrl-C) and PASTE (Ctrl-V) the text into the message composition
window, after selecting a newsgroup, and post it! (Or you can attach the
file, without writing anything to the
message window.)
If you have Netscape Navigator 3.0 do the following:
1. Click on any newsgroup like normal, then click on 'TO
   NEWS'. This will bring up a box to type a message in.
2. Leave the newsgroup box like it is, change the subject
   box to something flashy, something to catch the eye,
   as "$$$ NEED CASH$$$?!!READ HERE!$!$!$" or "$$$!!!MAKE
   FAST CASH,YOU CAN'T LOSE!!!$$$". Or you can use my
   subject title.
3. Now click on 'ATTACHMENTS'. Then click on 'ATTACH
   FILE'. Find your file on your Hard Disk (the one you
   saved from the text editor).Once you find it, click on
   it and then click 'OPEN' and 'OK'. You should now see
   your file name in the attachments box.
3. Now click on 'SEND'/'POST'. You see? Now you just have
199 to go!!!
You can post to multiple newsgroups with a single posting,
however, use netiquette and only post to 10-20 at a time...no one wants
to scroll through a long list of additional newsgroups before they can
read your message!Don't worry, it's easy and quick once you get
used to it.
NOTE: All the versions of Netscape Navigator's are similar to each
other,so you'll have no problem doing this if you don't have Netscape
Navigator 3.0.
Netscape Navigator 3.x and above.You can post this message to many
newsgroups at a time, by simply selecting a newsgroup near the top of
the screen, hold down the SHIFT, and then select a newsgroup near the
bottom of the screen. All of the newsgroups in/between will be selected.
After that, you follow/do the basic steps, stated below in
This letter, except step #1.You can go to the page stated below in this
letter and click on a newsgroup to open up the newsgroups window. Once
you've done this, in the
same window go to 'OPTIONS', and then mark 'SHOW ALL NEWSGROUPS' and
'SHOW ALL MESSAGES'. Now you can see all the newsgroups and you can
apply easier the above tip.

If you have MS Internet Explorer do the following:
1. Go to the newsgroups and press 'POST AN ARTICLE'. To
   the new window type your headline in the subject area
   and then click in the large window below. There either
   PASTE your letter (which it's been copied from the text
   editor), or attach the file which contains it.
2. Then click on 'SEND' or 'OK'.
3. NOTE: All versions of MS Internet Explorer are similar to each other,
so you won't have any problem doing this.

Thank you for you time,
Ng kai fai