Re: Which Graphing Calculator Should I Get?


Re: Which Graphing Calculator Should I Get?

The TI-86 is an excellent calculator. It is leaps and bounds
better than the TI-85 and only cost a couple of bucks more.
If your only choices were those two go with the TI-86.

The TI-89 is not out yet, and may not be out until fall, if
it is all what they tell us it going to be, it will be
more useful than any calculator so far. I have recommend to my
students to wait, if they can, until the TI-89 is out.

Many teachers who don't allow the TI-92 but do allow the
other TI's may not even notice you are using a TI-89.
Some of our students at my school will not take a course
from a teacher who will not allow calculators. I don't
blame them. I would not, if I could help it, take a
course from them either. It really does not matter to me which calculator
they use. The more competent a student is on his/her machine
the more competitive they will be.

If speed and accuracy are important to you and you want
an easy calculator to learn get a TI-92 or TI-89. If you can wait
until this fall get the TI-89. It's going to be cheaper than
the TI-92 is today. I wish all students form Pre-Algebra
and on up could have the TI-89/92 a resource tool.

Good Luck

Gary Wardall

>This is probably going to sound odd to you, but I wwould like your
>advice/ideas about which TI Graphing Calculator to get. I currently have a
>TI-82, but I am in Electronic Computer Technology in college and I am dealing
>with complex numbers and phase angles, which the 82 doesn't deal with. I will
>have the money, but I am undecided about what calculator to get. I have looked
>at the 85, but I have noticed that it isn't very user friendly. I have also
>looked into the 92, but some professors at my college do not allow the use of
>them in some classes. I have also heard of the 86, and the 89, but I don't
>know anything about them. Of all of the calculators that I have mentioned,
>which one would you suggest that I upgrade to?