Re: What's that little port on the back of the TI-92?


Re: What's that little port on the back of the TI-92?

On Sun, 26 Apr 1998 05:50:17 -0600, wrote:

>In article <>,
> (Tom) wrote:
>> On 25 Apr 1998 11:20:42 EDT, axolotl <> wrote:
>> >This may sound really stupid, but I can't find out what the "other" port
>> >on the TI-92 is for. (The one with lots of pins, no the I/O port.)  Any
>> >ideas?
>> >
>> It's to connect an over head projector display.
>Where can I get the little bit of plastic that's supposed to cover it? I have
>to use tape right now, and even if it keeps the dust out it gets kinda sticky
>after a while :(
They don't come with one.
