Unlimited Access to All News Groups...FOR LIFE!!!!!
Unlimited Access to All News Groups...FOR LIFE!!!!!
Unlimited Access To ALL News Groups...FOR LIFE !!!
If you are a member of such services as AOL, Prodigy or Compuserve, I'm sure
you have run into the fact that these servers DO NOT offer you the ability to
access ALL the available Newsgroups. (Last count was somewhere over 30,000 !!!)
And I'm also sure you have noticed that, of the Newsgroups they DO allow you
to access, some if not all are censored in some way leaving you frustrated that
someone else is telling you what you can and cannot access on the Web.
Well, that is about to change !!!!
NOW you can have UNLIMITED, UNCENSORED access TO ALL NEWS GROUPS without having
to change servers or pay rediculously high monthly rates......FOR LIFE !!!!!!!
Now you can access ALL the NG's available.....Binaries, Alternatives, Sex, ALL
of them.....FOR LIFE !!!!!
Some Companies offer you this service for a Monthly Fee that Can be as high as
$50.00 per month.
We Are offering this service for a ONE TIME PROCESSING FEE of $20.
NO hidden costs....NO monthly charges !!!!
A ONE TIME ONLY PROCESSING FEE of **$20.** for unlimited access TO ALL NEWS
GROUPS...Unlimited...Uncensored...FOR LIFE !!!
If you want access to what your Servers don't want you to see, simply send
cash, check or Money Order for $20, along with your E-mail address to:
HBS Services
21 Terri Plaza
P.O. Box 359
Gray, ME 04039-0359
and We will send you the location where you can access the newsgroups of YOUR