Re: Programming Challenge


Re: Programming Challenge

At 2:50 PM -0100 4/22/98, Steve Muckle wrote:
>I am trying to make a program  that will simulate a deck of cards for a
>collectable card game.  I would  rather lay out a set of numbers at the
>beginning (each number representing a  particular card) than pick them on
>the fly.  What my problem is is that I  need to get a list (or a matrix,
>it doesn't matter) of numbers 1 through 60,  randomly assorted, BUT no
>number appearing more than once.

The easiest way to do this is to first make an ordered list from 1-60, then
move the elements around randomly.  Here's the idea (I haven't checked this
on my calculator, but I've done this sort of thing before; this should
pretty close to correct). Spaces added for ease of reading.

seq(X,X,1,60,1) -> L1
 Int(A*rand)+1 -> B
 If B<A :Then
  L1(A) -> X
  L1(B) -> L1(A)
  X -> L1(B)

 /      Darryl K. Nester        |  \
/  Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics  |  Office: 419-358-3483   \
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