Re: ti92 basic questions


Re: ti92 basic questions

Tavis Segura <> wrote:
> Andreas Rose wrote:
>> hi there,
>> just 2 questions about ti92 basic :
>> is there any way to not end in the PrgmIO Screen (where u can
>> only switch back to the home screen with diamond home or pressing
>> f5) after a program is finnished but to be back at the home screen
>> where u started it (prog is doin outputs while running at the
>> prgmio screen)
> To do this, use the setMode command.. For example you can try:

>     setMode("Split 1 App","Home")

unfortunatly this isnt working
if u use it before stop (the usual program end) or after stop
the prog will still end in the prgmio screen and u have to press
f5 to get back to the home screen

greetings Andreas

Through the darkness of future past the magician longs to see
one chance out between two worlds 'Fire         walk with me.'
                              the one-armed man's poem from TP
