Re: TI 85 vs TI 86
Re: TI 85 vs TI 86
The TI-86 is a much better calculator than the TI-85.
If you can "figure things out", you will in the long run
be much better off. This reminds me of a problem I had when I
was in college. I was taking Swedish and there were no Swedish
dictionaries available but there were plenty of Norwegian dictionaries
around. I had no choice but to use the Norwegian ones. In the long
run think I did better because of it. I hope the same for you.
I am teaching calculus and require either the TI-85 or TI-86
we have had very few problems.
Good Luck
Gary Wardall
>I've just started tech math 1 in College. I'm not familiar with
>graphing calculators much. My professor told me to go get a TI-85.
>When I went to the store, they didn't have any, but cut me a deal on a
>TI-86 which said on the package it was an enhanced 85. Now I'm
>finding some compatibility problems. The things the professor says to
>do, doesn't work on my calculator. So far I've been able to figure it
>out, or get help from someone who knows. My thirty days isn't up on
>this calculator. I'm wondering if I should take it back, and get a