Re: Qwirks v1.0 (yet 2 B made)


Re: Qwirks v1.0 (yet 2 B made)

Sorry, but i forgot to mention that it is for the TI-85! Whoops, LOL.

Michiel Trimpe wrote:
> I've got a question. This question will take a little time to answer,
> but I hope someone will help me with this (I will pu them in my credits
> list!!!). I while ago, i got completely addicted to Qwirks, a tetris
> clone. You have the same board as tetris, but now you have to fill it
> with blob's of four different colors. If you get four or more connected
> colors, those blob's will dissapear. You always get a block of two blobs
> of random colors. But that isn't really important, is how I'll be able
> to find where there are four or more connected and how to erase them.
> Speed doesn't matter too much. Untill now my program uses four different
> layers to stoer the board, each layer representing a color.
> Only the first ten bit's matter. It looks like this:
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000000
> 00001000 00000000 <--- this one does not count,
> 00010000 00001000 only directly connected ones count
> 00110000 00000000
> 00000100 00010000
> 01100000 00010011
> 00110000 00010011
> 00000010 00010000
> this would for example be the green layer. now I want to find and mask
> out the groups of four. I have not yet found a way for this, but I hope
> someone can help me with this. I already thought about rotating the
> layer left and look if you could find a pattern, but I did not succeed
> with that. Maybe this might help anyone who tries to solve this problem.
> Thanx a whole lot in advance, and remember, you will be on the credits
> list of a game that's bound to become popular!!!!
>     Michiel Trimpe (
