Re: graph link cable
Re: graph link cable
The graph-link is a Texas Instrument product that costs quite a lot
and uses extra technology that isn't actually needed. Instead, you can
make an HM Link (Homemade link :-P) for about $5 dollars on parts. You
do need to be able to solder, so if that isn't for you, various people
make them for you. They charge you abgout $10 to $12. still lots
cheaper than TI's version.
Once you have your cable, you can send stuff from your pc to your calc
and vice-versa. So, you can get all the OSes and games and everything
from or
these games are gameboy quality. About 50 worlds removed from what you
have now (TI-BASIC).
You can also program pure Z80 assembly (all those neat games are
written in it- it may make games that are worlds removed from
TI-basic, the programming is worlds removed as well- it's quite hard.
without some previous asm background (if you program intel x86 16-bit
assembler, it's fairly easy to learn Z80 assembler.).
the 83 and 86 have 'built-in' shells to run assembly. the 82,85, and
92 do not, though some gurus managed to find a loophole so that we
can. ZShell is the common term for a shell/OS type of thing for the
TI-85. ZShell was the first product, written by Rob taylor, magnus
hagander,and dan eble. Fargo is currently the only such shell/OS type
of thing that allows you to run asm games/programs on the TI-92.