Re: Another ti85 bug found by me
Re: Another ti85 bug found by me
This works fine on my 85 Rom v9.0
What ROM version is your 85? Perhaps it was fixed in a later ROM version.
Marco Radzinschi
"Orthodoxy means not thinking-not needing to think. Orthodoxy is
unconsciousness." -George Orwell (From 1984)
On Fri, 26 Sep 1997 19:02:37 +0200 Mislav Bilobrk <bili@FLY.CC.FER.HR>
>Try this:
>1 -> x
>2 -> y
>3 -> X
>4 -> Y
>Disp {x,y,X,Y
>This will display {1,0,3,4}
>Contens of y variable was destroyed.
>Even if y is a list or vector and you draw Line(x,y(1),X,Y
>y variable will be destroyed and changed to real type.
>Hmm, so many bugs! Should we ask at TI for a free replacement?