TI-92 controversy
TI-92 controversy
Why in the hell would Texas Instruments make such a worthwhile instrument
like the TI-92 if you can't use it anywhere? Now, I love my TI-92 and I
wouldn't trade it for any other calc, but this world is really getting
cynical. The world (including mathematics) must catch up with technology.
Gone are the days of paper and pencil math! Today, interactive math with
the use of computers and sophisticated calculators is the trend. If
teachers and professors don't start recognizing this trend, they're going
to start losing students to more "trendy" instructors.
I just think that it is crazy to have such a great tool such as the TI-92,
and not be able to use it. I didn't pay $180 to have it sit around and do
If you have any views, please post them to me or email me at: