Re: TI-92


Re: TI-92

I have always implied the calc I was talking about is the 85.

I once amazed my math teacher when mumbling back the exact  roots of a
7th degree polynomial. He knows that I'm a fractal freak, but healso
knows that I am not the walking calculator type. I then showed him the
poly function (he has an 85 as well), and, while gazing with a new awe
at the calculator, tried it on his own just to be sure.

That's just one function.

In chem class, after some simple programming, I make a little
slideshow showing the 4 titration lab results as graph. More stares.
And now I have one damned good excuse to play games during class :-).

While I don't quite expect everyone to know how to program, it is
quite obvious that the only functions used are:

1. >Frac. after I introduced this one to a couple of people, it
rapidly found its way in everyone custom menu.
2. [2nd] [calc]. well, some people. not all.
3. at least, now, [2nd] [poly]
4. the homescreen.
5. graphing.
6. the program editor, to store lists of formulas and things. not to
write programs.

No one aside from myself ever thought of using the solver, for
example. Unless I am missing something, 95% of TI-85 users really only
uses the homescreen and simple graphing.

Follow-Ups: References: