I think Oshell manked up my calculator...
I think Oshell manked up my calculator...
After just deleting some programs from my calculator, I got the
(pasted together - NOT A FAKE!!!)
For those of you that cannot read this, that's 414949 bytes of memory
used total (On a ti-82, normally with 32Kb!!!), which is just over
Something's wrong, methinks...
Now, I'm just off to reset the calc and then re-transfer all the
programs. Heigh-ho...
P.S. No-one accuse me of spamming. I thought you might like to see this,
I don't have a web page, I cut as much off the file as I could, AND I
encoded it in JPEG format - small. OK?
* De Ascender * (Phil Stoneman) ICQ UIN = 1553397
ascender@tjsathome.demon.co.uk <- Accepts files as well
1553397@pager.mirabilis.com <- Short messages only!
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk?