Re: Edit-locking on TI85
Re: Edit-locking on TI85
Mark Scarinzi wrote:
> I saw a method mentioned on the TI page to edit-lock a program on the
> TI85 calculators. It is possible using Graph-Link on the TI82, but not
> the TI85. I'm using a system called Classtalk where it would be nice to
> lock the programs whereby students would not be able to edit the
> programs. The method mention on the TI page is not supported by them,
> but uses an invalid program image inside the progam image. Can someone
> explain, comment on this method?
Well... assuming you can find some way to get the assembly program
"popchar" on your calc, you could copy $FF to your undel buffer and
paste it at the end of a program to edit lock them.