Re: Please help w/ first program!!!!1
Re: Please help w/ first program!!!!1
All languages I know of don't allow it. Whenever a loop is entered, the
calculator has to keep track of it until it reaches the END statement and
leaves the loop. If it doesn't reach that end statement, it gets confused.
In the case of the TI-85, it keeps track of the loop. When that loop is
entered again, it keeps track of it a second time, and so on. Eventually
the memory gets filled up, and the program crashes.
Jeff Tyrrill
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Wendt
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 1997 7:49 AM
To: Jeff Tyrrill
Subject: Re: Please help w/ first program!!!!1
> The problem is that you jumped out of an IF..THEN..ELSE..ENDIF. structure
> with a GOTO. That's not allowed in (almost) any programming language.
Really? I thought most languages would allow this. Which ones don't?