Re: backing up an 85 to an 86
Re: backing up an 85 to an 86
On Mon, 15 Sep 1997 14:11:12 -0500 Dario Landazuri
<landazud@CPCA.JOHNCO.CC.KS.US> writes:
>since I'm having trouble getting TI to help me, I wonder if anyone on
>list can. I'm having trouble backingup my brother's 85 to my 86.
>Whenever I try it, I get an "Error 37" on the 86, and an "Error 35" on
>85. Any help is appreciated...
someone called TI.. and TI said it was MISPRINT!!!!!! they meant backup
entire memory of an 86 onto an 86 not 85 to an 86 the 5 is really
close (next to) the 6 button :) so it's a MISPRINT. (although i wished
it wasn't)
-nXt OR: