Re: TI-86 Catalog


Re: TI-86 Catalog

On Fri, 12 Sep 1997 20:11:34 -0500, Paulc00 <>

>I noticed that in the TI-86 there is a command in the catalog menu that
>says "AsmComp("  What exactly does it do?  The description in the manual
>was too vague.

It converts a program written in ascii opcodes to binary code thus
saving memory (and the asm program starts quicker). If you write asm
progarms on the calc (using opcodes), you might want to use this
option to 'compile' the program (although compile isn't the correct
word imho - translate would be better).

For example, if you write this in the program editor...


(and so on)

you could either execute it with Asm(dummy  or 'compile' it using
AsmComp(dummy,cdummy  which would create the program
cdummy which is a binary version of the dummy program.

Jimmy Merdell <>
IRC: Yarin
