HELP NEEDED with Graph-Link (TI-92)


HELP NEEDED with Graph-Link (TI-92)


I have a TI-92 and eventually decided to buy the TI-Graph Link.
But after installing the Software (Version 1.4) in Windows 3.1
on a 386, which really meets all requirements specified in the manual,
there appears an error message "failure of building up a connection"
everytime I try to send or receive.

I put the adapter in the COM2-port and checked that everything
is properly plugged in. I also tried COM1 (where usually the mouse
is) with the same negative result.

I followed all instructions in the manual/online-help, but I miss
some useful technical specifications.
Do I need to reconfigure something in Windows? Maybe setting a special
baudrate or another protocol...?
Or is there no other solution than sending this Link Adapter back
for getting a new one?

If someone had the same problem and found a solution, please mail me!
Thanks in advance.
