Re: TI GraphLink link protocol technical details
Re: TI GraphLink link protocol technical details
On Fri, 12 Sep 1997 21:28:11 +0200, David Eriksson/2GooD Productions
<david@2GOODSOFT.COM> wrote:
>I'm developing a Windows 95 calculator link software. Currently serial &
>parallel transfers work fine with all tested calculator, but when I try to
>use the graphlink and Win95's own comm routines, i receive unexpected NULL
>Anyone who has been poking into GraphLink transfers and can help me?
>Source code in C/C++/Pascal for Dos/Win would be helpful.
> -/- David Eriksson -/-
>2 G o o D P r o d u c t i o n s ->
the simple key to the graphlink is that you can treat it as a plain
RS232 serial link. talk to at @ 9600 bps.