Re: TI-86 linking problems


Re: TI-86 linking problems

In article <5v7dar$rio$>, "Bryris" <bryris!@!> wrote
(in part):

>        I hvae recently been trying to get some programs on to my TI-86, and I
>haven't anyluck.
>I downloaded the TI-graph link software for the TI-86, and bought the 25
>pin serial port cable.
>I went into my CMOS, and enabled serial port 2, and set it on COM 4 and COM
>2, (at separate time of course), with no luck with either. COM 4 setting,
>says unable to open communications port. COM 2 setting stalls for a second,
>then says Transmission Error.
>All I have done as of this moment is, bought the cable, plugged it into
>serial port (25 pin) and plugged the other end into the calc. Run the
>program, and go to link, and send.
>I have done this with all the COM setting in the links menu of the TI-86

All of the transmission errors that I have seen are due to not pushing the
cable into the calculator firmly enough.  With a new calculator, the jack
is stiff and the plug needs to be pushed hard for the last 1/16 of an inch
or so.  Try that and see if it helps.

Unfortunately, this is the only fix I know.  If the problem is really with
the serial port on your computer, you will have to get advice from someone

Good luck.

Gene     <>
