Re: Graph Link for TI-83?
Re: Graph Link for TI-83?
Westley wrote:
> Is there a graph link program for the TI-83? Also how can I down load
> programs from my sister's TI-82 to my TI83. By the way she has a graph
> link cable and has downloaded from someone web page the graph link 85
> for Windows program. That's the one I'm wondering about. Is there a
> version for the 83?
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Cordially,
> tracy ps. please cc:Mail, thanksI'm assumeing that you haven't tried the TI
home page? It's or
somthing like that, goto program archievs, look around you should be able to
something. You should be able to transfer from your 82 TO your 83. good luck.