Re: javier jimenez <jimenez@NETLINE.CL>: Tamagotchi
Re: javier jimenez <jimenez@NETLINE.CL>: Tamagotchi
> At 07:41 PM 9/10/97 GMT, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
>Artificial Intelligence is not all that hard in theory, it just takes
>a lot of space, or the writing of a radical new system that (usually)
>uses special hardware such as neuronetworks (That's a processor that
>doesn't work with 1's and 0's, but in 'yes, they sorta match' and
>'naw, looks nothing like what I have here :-P.' I am sure the little
>tamogotchi thing has something special.. either loads of ROM, or
>special hardware.
I'm sure it doesn't. Lots of clever little algorithms can produce seemingly
intelligent behaviour. And I doubt many people would call tamagotchis
intelligent. Why would they raise their price with special hardware if they
didn't have to? There is nothing particularily revolutionary about them. There
was nothing amazing about beanie babies either, just a tiny bean-bag animal.
Tamagotchis are just the latest silly fad.
>Sure, I could make a little sprite that 'does' stuff, but it won't be
>as intelligent and annoying as the actual tamagochi. I can make doom
>on the ti-8x, and yet it won't be anything like it (Wolfenstein is
>another questoin.. as Daedalus proves, a raytracer can be done on the
>ti-8x. (raycaster is different!).
Wolfenstien and Doom are raycasters, not raytracers.