Re: TI-86 Link Question
Re: TI-86 Link Question
Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Sep 1997 23:54:31 -0400, Daniel Nobles
> <dnobles@POP03.CA.US.IBM.NET> wrote:
> >
> >Does anyone know a way to discuise or embed a TI-86.86p or asm file
> in a
> >TI-85.85P File so it will be accepted on the 86 and by any of the
> parallel
> >linking programs. Also does anyone know of any plans being worked on
> to
> >impliment linking to the 86 (with *.86p & asm files) through a
> Parallel cable.
> renaming them to .86? and using cal v0.9b didn't work?
I tried renaming those .86g files to .everything under the sun and
nothing worked, even all the 85 extensions. However Cal worked for me
with the Andreas Westfield link, so let me know what happened when you
tried to send the files and maybe I can
Jason Banta