Re: ti-86
Re: ti-86
Sorry, Z-Shell WILL NOT RUN ON THE 86. Nothing you can do but get 86 ASM
At 10:47 PM 9/9/97 -0400, Henhouse8@AOL.COM wrote:
>I just purchased a ti-86 and tried to backup my ti-85 onto it. It gave me a
>transmission link error which tells me that backing up doesn't work with the
>two different calculators. I was trying to back up my 85 because i wanted to
>put Zshell onto my 86. Since I cannot transfer Zshell from my 85 to 86, i was
>wondering if there was a 86 version of Zshell that I could download from
>somewhere so I can play the new games for the 86. Please write back if you
>can tell me the answer.
> Thank
> Richard
Evil Jim
Viva La Mexico
I want to die in my sleep like my Grandfather, not screaming in pain like
the passengers in my car...