Re: ASM on TI 83


Re: ASM on TI 83

On Wed, 03 Sep 1997 19:35:45 -0400, Tate Jackson <>

>How do I load assembly programs onto my TI 83?
>Since all the ti -8x calcutors use the z080 processor,  why can't an
>assembly program run on all of them?

Have you ever programmed assembler (any kind). If you ever took a
crashcourse asm for 80x86 processors, the first thing you'd probablyt
learn is how to print things using dos:

[NASM syntaxing. MASM and TASM peoples, imagine OFFSET in front of

MOV DX, IntroText    ; offset to the ASCI$ text.
MOV AH, 9                ; dos function 9: Print ASCI$ text.
INT 0x21                   ; call dos.
MOV AH, 0x4C          ; dos func 4C: quit.
INT 0x21                   ; call dos.

IntroText dB 'Hello, World.$'     ;ascii terminated with a $.

that won't work on Unix. Yet, it's the same processor. Why? INT 0x21
works differently. while the TI series does NOT use interrupt for
functions, it does use tons of rom calls. you could equate rom calls
to interrupt functions.

another one:

MOV AX, 0xA000

that 0xA000 is the adress of the vga screen. Again, on different
systems (although they can still have an intel 80x86), that will all
work different.

Again, the TI series has the same problem. On one, the text memory
(which is used to store vars, when progging asm) is in a different
location from the other.
