Re: HELP!!!! TI-86 Owner is Lost!!!!


Re: HELP!!!! TI-86 Owner is Lost!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jarrod Weise <jrweise@MAILHOST.PRIMENET.COM>
Date: Tuesday, September 02, 1997 1:54 PM
Subject: HELP!!!! TI-86 Owner is Lost!!!!

>I own a Ti-86 and its fairly new. I know it like the back of my hand,
>but i don't know the first thing about programming. I found some sites
>with games and utilitys using Z-Shell and Basic. I have a copy of the
>Graph Link for the 85 and 86 and want to know how to use these 85
>programs on my 86. I have no transfere cable and am wondering if i
>could enter the code by hand? I am REALLY lost. Any help would be

You can enter the code by hand, but you do not want to. Trust me. You can
buy a graphlink cable at Staples for
35 dollars. If you do not know anything about programming, then starting off
at assembly language is not a good
idea... Of course people may disagree with me, but those same people also
probably are half way through
a Computer Science Major.

In fact, I'm sure everyone would agree with me that Z80 assembly is easier
to learn then IBM/PC assembly
language, and it is, because of the fewer instructions. But it is harder to
implement... (i.e. no mult/divide instructions)

-Cyber Optic

 - Cyber Optic
