Re: TI-82 programmer at your service.
Re: TI-82 programmer at your service.
Actually, Ash 3.0 takes up 999 bytes exactly. The Matrices it uses
don't take up any space, they are misreported as taking up ~16 k.
Basic is converted on the fly to machine code. However, it is a very
high level language, and there are far more efficient ways to do
things. Assembler allows you to optimize everything. The fact that it
is interpreted (compiled on the fly), and the fact that it is a high
level lang make it soo slow.
On Sun, 31 Aug 1997 13:05:06 -0400, aurora guy <aurora-guy@JUNO.COM>
>Gee, stupid me, thinking basic was written in machine code. What was I
>thinking? Alright, here is my take on the subject. I am told that I
>don't see much math support in the way of programs because the needed
>stuff is built in. (actually, some of the stuff I want isn't) But I
>also hear that ASM is better for math. OK, if it is so much better, then
>why don't I see a rash of ASM programs replacing the basic stuff? Last
>time I visited, the game folders under ASM were stuffed, but
>the math and science folders were empty, not a couple programs, but
>totally EMPTY. I also thought that since TI has highly paid, highly
>intelligent programmers (more intelligent than any of us) working for
>them, they would know better than us what works better. The last problem
>I have with ASM, is the space that the shells take up. ASH uses
>something like 15K! Leaves little room for my programs. I was filling
>the calc with my stuff before I tried ASM. I would like ASM a lot more
>if I had more space after for programs. However, for the time being, I
>realize that I not going to win, so I will back down, though I still like
>basic more.