Re: ti92 rom dump
Re: ti92 rom dump
>It's almost as easy to transfer the ROM using a serial or graph-link
>cable. what you do is this:
>1) Load fargo and romdump2.92p (in the prog directory) onto your
>2) Hook up your graphlink to whatever comport you use.
>3) On your computer, start up whatever terminal program you have, and
>set it up for use with whatever com port you have your graph-linlk on,
>using a 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
>4) Set it up to capture to a text file (you may need to do this by
>selecting download, then choosing ascii as your protocol. start it
>5) Execute romdump2 on your calculator.
>6) After a while (it took me 2 hours) your calculator will finish and
>go back to the fargo menu. at this point, stop the capture or transfer
>on your computer and exit your terminal program.
>7) On your computer, execute romconv.exe in the bin subdirectory of
>your fargo directory, using the following syntax:
>ROMCONV fromfile.ext tofile.ext
>where fromfile.ext is the file you captured to and tofile.ext is the
>filename you want to save the rom as.
>et voila! you have your rom.
brilliant! thanks for the help. only took about 20 minutes for me.