Re: TI-86 speed


Re: TI-86 speed

Dear Adrain,
  The TI86 has more memory in a page switching configuration.  It has to

keep checking the "other 32K" at many steps in it's subroutines.  It is
sort of like a car pulling a small trailer; you can haul more but you
lose a little top speed.
  The only way you can get your TI-86 up to the speed of a TI-85 is to
send it to me and I will send you my TI-85 and ten dollars.

stay connected,

On Sat, 30 Aug 1997, Adrian wrote:

> I just got an 86 and noticed it runs programs significantly slower than
> the 85. Why??? It has the same processor. Is there anything I can do to
> correct this?
> --
>      |    HurghwI' - Adrian
>     _|\_
>   / /  \ \ email -
>  ,-\\  //\__ PGP ID 0x83FE3088
> / __\\//___/ mIS yIjach, 'ej veS
> |/ `----`   targhmey tIQeyHa'choHmoH!
