Re: Time-critical applications on a TI-83
Re: Time-critical applications on a TI-83
Kvster wrote:
> Hi!
> Instead of buying a device for 200 $ to measure the stroke rate in
> rowing (crew), I thought I'd just write a little program on my TI-83
> that counts how much X has increased in between two key punches, divides
> that by a certain factor and tells me how many strokes per minute that
> equals. Unfortunately, when I tried to find the factor by which to
> divide, I noticed that the number decreases each time, that means the
> calculator is getting slower! Can anyone tell me, why? Is there no way
> to program time-critical applications on a TI-83?
since x increases, the calculator has to operate on a number with a
higher value and more digits than before. This slows it down when
observing over a larger period of time.
Also, the batteries get used up, so it won't take long time for your
program to become "obsolete", as the TI gets slower.
Rene Kragh Pedersen
.oO) Aibohphobia - the fear of palindromes (Oo.