Re: TI-86 + crashing = WTF?


Re: TI-86 + crashing = WTF?

On Wed, 29 Oct 1997 16:54:12 -0800 Modem Boy <modemboy@WRITEME.COM>
>ASM has been running quite functified on my 86. Sqrxz & Penguins are
>good examples of supreme crashing. (My contrast setting is at mid 5).
>Anyway, I was playing Ztetris versus my friend on his 85 and after I
>exit'd, my calc was blank, on button still nothing. up'ing my contrast
>(2nd UP) still to no avail. I take out one battery, put it back in,
>the calc on, up my contrast (yes it works at this point) and my
>are all intact (or so i think). This is weird. I'm wondering if a
>"weekly, monthly,??? format should be even considered" No their not
>computers but the bad effects are showing true on calculators, esp

weekly format.. ahaha yeah like that helps.. geez.. heh
could it have been that you ran a basic program.. that was pretty large.
and that you have to wait for it to tokenize it?.. maybe not hehe.. but
the LINKING game for ztetris isn't all that you might have to
unlink.. and wait a while.. press on.. enter exit.. etc...shrug..
-nXt  OR:
