Re: Chess = 1-player vs. TI-8X


Re: Chess = 1-player vs. TI-8X

ilya winham (ilyamojo@GEOCITIES.COM) wrote:
: I am very curios on how a fairly good AI could be made for a chess game.
: I was looking at the old archive of Calc-ti mail's and noticed that a
: big discussion started from this type of programming challenge. Some
: said, "can't be done", others, "would be too big and slow", yet some
: others said' "It has, and can be done using little memory and still be
: fast" which they gave example of the HP's and said 1 has already been
: written for them. So, it is safe to believe that it can be done, after
: all, checkers, (by Frank Force) is a 1-player vs. TI-82 game and the
: computer is pretty hard to beat, fast, and the game is small. So if

The game tree for a checkers game is relatively small.  You would not need
much in the way of AI for that, just a few levels of look ahead and a simple
way to trim the branches.  Chess, on the other hand, has a MASSIVE game tree
and it would therefore be much more difficult to implement a version where the
computer played with any degree of skill.

: someone were to figure out how that was done and build on it, an AI for
: chess could be written. I am willing to try but need more information on
: how to program AI. I have made many programs and games but none have had
: a computer AI. I have the skills but not the knowledge to do so yet.
: Basically, what logarithm would work? Please, contribute your
: thoughts....

But seriously, it would be difficult, but perhaps not impossible to make a
fair chess game, but probably difficult to make a small one could beat a
person who was anything more than a beginner.  But I would be happy if someone
could prove me wrong.

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