Re: Saving lists
Re: Saving lists
Lornitzo (Lornitzo@CONNRIVER.NET) wrote:
: I use TI-82's in my class, and only have a few available to share
: for all classess (school budget stuff... ) . Is there a way I can
: save the contents of a list so that another student can use the stat
: lists without losing the other student's information? I've attempted
: several ways but can't seem to quite figure it out.
: Thanks Sue L
: Reply to
It's been a while since I used an 82, but I think you should be able to have
the kids write programs to create the lists. Each kid can have his or her own
list creating program that, when run, sets up his or her lists. It's a little
more time consuming that just typing them in, but it takes less time than just
typing them in every day.
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