Re: Program Request
Re: Program Request
On Mon, 27 Oct 1997 19:48:02 +0100 Roman Schmied
<> writes:
>I'm sorry I'm a bit late for this discussion, but:
>Are you kidding? What did you buy your calc for? Still doing math by
>For solving multiple linear equations you should proceed like this:
<hacked like hacksaw jim doughen>
>For bigger equation systems this works the same way.
> Greetings, -R.
oh uh.. anywayz.. i made a program for my self that solves linear
equations.. so uh no i don't do it by hand. and uh...uh yeah whatever.
uh actually i bought my ti85 for schooll.. then.. i bought my ti86 for
games :)
-nXt OR: