Re: Survey


Re: Survey

On Sat, 25 Oct 1997 12:44:31 -0700 Sumit <sumit-1@ROCKETMAIL.COM> writes:
>How many of you guys use the graph-link cable made by TI factory?  And

i do.. i use the TI GRAPH-LINK.

>how many of you guys use the graph-link cable made by other, you know

there is no graph link cable made by other.. it's CALLED HOME MADE LINK..
please :) only refer the word "graph-link" to the TI Graph-Link.. the
"other" is called HOMEMADE LINK  :)

>the one that costs like $10-$15?  Please e-mail me with your survey

yes i know it's $10-$15 cheaper.. but buying it for $35 is better than
all the hassles.. of  searching/buying/soldering/troubles/software
programs/ etc.. (in MY opinion)

>by other please tell me how it works?  I mean does it work pretty good
>or average?

it's hard to find the correct program that will make it work
-nXt  OR:
