Re: help!! ti-86 regression. . .


Re: help!! ti-86 regression. . .

On Tue, 21 Oct 1997 05:06:13 GMT Micaela97 <micaela97@AOL.COM> writes:
>if anyone could tell me how to run a linear regression in the ti-86, i
>would be
> eternally grateful!!  i keep getting errors -  "syntax" and "dim
> please help!

make sure you don't have ANY plots on.. NONE!! ZIP!!

ok now either go to STAT or LIST.. and edit the LIST.. put in the X and Y
values.. as much as there is.. now, you can look at the picture.. setting
the WINDOW.. right.. then either PLOTing the lists. or go to STAT..
to do the Linear regression, go to STAT.. CALC..  and pick  LinR (it'll
paste it on the hoescreen.. then either pick or type out.. xStat,yStat
(or whatever the list is called ie...

LinR xStat,yStat  (press enter)  the ti86's  STAT CALC.. stuff suck.. i
hate it.. i liked the ti85's better.. you just press LINR and i't'll give
you the answer.. instead we 86 users have to do LinR xstat,ystat shit..
:(  hehe i have an 85 and 86 :)  but yeah after typing LinR xStat,yStat
press enter, and it'll show you the answer.. if there's an arrow pointing
down.. then press down.. heh.. hm if you wanna graph the LinR.. go to
STAT.. DRAW.. SCATter.. then pick DDREG
-nXt  OR:

Follow-Ups: References: