Re: TI-86 Calculator capabilities
Re: TI-86 Calculator capabilities
At 12:53 PM 10/18/97 -0400, Mike Gagne wrote:
>When I graph 2 linear functions, each
>having a slope that is the negative
>reciprocal of the other, I end up with
>2 lines that ARE NOT perpendicular to each
>other...I tried adjusting the scale of the
>x and y coordinates in the WINDOW screen
>without success( wouldn't a 1 to 1 scale
>between x & y work?). What's up???
Just do the -x, not -1/x
>Is there a way to program the calculator
>to take a 3rd derivative, 4th derivative
>...etc.???? And without writing a 50k
Yes, asm.
>At present, the only way I can
>check my Calculus problems involving
>'greater-than' double derivatives("der2"),
>requires that I compare the calculators
>first derivative on the original
>expression at 'x' with my manually derived
>1st derivative at 'x'...and simply repeat
>this process for deeper and deeper
Well, you have good reason to learn how to write a derivative program in
asm, huh? =)
>Mike gagne
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