Re: Graphics in TI-85


Re: Graphics in TI-85

On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Antti Jdrvinen wrote:
) How can I make TI-85 draw this kind of function :
Wow, what a coincedence, we just did this in pre-calc today :)

) y=2x + 1, when x < 2
) y= -x, when x > 2
y1=(2 x+1)(x<2)

(to get >, <, ==, !=, <=, >=, etc., go into [2nd][TEST] and find the
character you want)
Note that, I guess because it's a binomial, y1's actual equation has to be
enclosed within parenthesis ("(2 x+1)(x<2)" not just "2 x+1(x<2)").

Daniel Reed <>
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